Denai Alam Terrace

The approach to refurbishing this home located in Denai Alam was to take inspiration from the existing characteristics of the house itself. As there were a few unique features that came with the house, we intended to work through them, enhance them and create a home that would be enjoyed by the family and all who […]
House in Bukit Raja

Hello peeps! Been a while!, man i realized I always begin my posts with “its been a while” ! Well, what to do ?, We have been really busy since the begining of the year and we could hardly find any time to post on our recent projects. Today will be the day where i […]
House @ Petaling Jaya

It was one fine morning, when i got a call from Alex, asking if i am a interior designer and if i do house renovation. Couldn’t remember what I mutterd to him, and another call later, we were set to meet at this house in PJ. After a short discussion on a wrecked plastic table […]